Lake Blanche
One of the good things about having a flexible schedule is that you can run off into the mountains whenever the opportunity presents itself.
The trailhead to Lake Blanche (or the parking, rather) is right below the s-curve up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Since the hike is six miles round-trip, it’s actually a decent workout (cause, you know, I’m in shape and all.) It seemed like the trees were in limbo deciding whether or not to keep all of their leaves, but it was still pretty.
My cousin/hiking-buddy—Angela.
There was a little snow that had dusted the mountains & trees (well, not so much the trees) quite nicely, adding a Christmas summer day feel to it all. You know those days in December when you look outside and it looks deceptively like June, except that when you walk outside for a “spot of fresh air” you last about four seconds before you scamper back inside and make a bee-line for some hot chocolate. Kinda like that.
Physical Exercise: ★★★★☆
Choosing the right time of day with good lighting: ★★☆☆☆
Cousin bonding time: ★★★★½☆
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