Ostrich Ranch

One of the perks of staying for a couple weeks in Tucson with my sister Marcelle is that I get to tag along and do all of the fun things she does with her two kids. Like go to ostrich farms.

This one is a little north of Tucson, aptly named Rooster Cogburn’s Ostrich Farm, whoever he is. Not only do they have a plethora of the long-necked birds, but there are goats and donkeys and ground hogs and deer, among other things. And for a fee you can wander around and feed them to your hearts content.

↓ First we walked inside and were greeted by this gem—

↓ T was brave and fed the animals right along with me.

↓ Then you can transport feed up into the Goat Penthouse. Which if I was goat, and sat up there and my food was delivered right to my mouth, I’d call it a penthouse too.


↑ The main attraction. And the Pic of the Post: 1/1250, f/8, ISO 320, 70mm (24-70mm f/2.8L)


↑ Let me just say that although this doesn’t look very close, staring down a bird as tall as you are, all the while hearing the heavy breathing coming from its tube neck, as if it’s waiting to devour your soul any second, that’ no walk in the park, ok? You try it.


Thanks to Marcelle for taking the pictures (she didn’t want ostrich cooties all over her lens that I was borrowing…) and check out her own photography website if you’re looking for someone absurdly skilled for your next wedding: marcellecalder.com


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